Brightlands Chemelot Campus is developing quickly. New buildings and facilities become available, more and more people are working or studying here. As a consequence, there is an increasing need for rules. How do we prevent unwanted situations? How do we secure safety and health, how can we work environmental-friendly?
That’s where the campus regulations come in. These rules are set to avoid incidents and situations with negative consequences for safety, health, environment, and security. The rules are based on the rules for Chemelot Industrial Park and the Dutch law. The aim is reducing the risks of all activities: As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
The regulations have been approved by the campus management and therefore everybody on the campus is bound by these rules. In fact, the rental agreements with the companies on campus state that a company needs to instruct its employees about the rules.
The regulations are not only relevant for campus residents, but also for non-residents, particularly suppliers and contractors. As far is the campus regulations are concerned, they are treated just like campus residents.
The Regulations Brightlands Chemelot Campus are available in Dutch on the Brightlands internet (an English translation will be available later).
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