Brightlands Chemelot Campus and Integron are working together on a study, an internal campus satisfaction survey, into the experience of the services and facilities of Brightlands Chemelot Campus. (Catering, Building & outdoor area, Sports facilities, Cleaning & waste services, and more…)
The research is about your campus experiences and what you find important. The results of the internal campus satisfaction survey show you what you consider to be positive. It will also become clear where, according to you as an end-user, there are possibilities to improve the services and facilities of Brightlands Chemelot Campus. To form the best possible picture of the services and facilities, it is important that many experiences are gathered.
Your opinion matters!
We kindly ask you to participate in this survey. Please complete the questionnaire before March 6, 2020, this takes about 10 minutes. The first 100 respondents have a chance to win an iPad and coffee or lunch coupons.
Contribute to charity!
For each completed questionnaire, the campus donates 1 euro to charity. 3 Local charities are selected, the one with the most votes wins.

Your anonymity is guaranteed
The link mentioned above leads to an anonymous survey. Integron uses no names or email addresses, in its research system. Integron will however ask you a few personal questions, which makes it possible to include your answers in group results, such as a classification per building, or different types of campus residents. The individual answers are not reported back to Brightlands Chemelot Campus. Therefore, you participate anonymously in the internal campus satisfaction survey.
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions regarding this research, ask your question at
We thank you in advance for your participation!
Kind regards,
Brightlands Chemelot Campus