Jeoffrey van den Berg is 38 years old and joint founder of Flowid, a company that concentrates on process innovation in the chemical sector. The company is making great strides in the fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals processing industry with its revolutionary new type of chemical reactor, the SpinPro Reactor. The SpinPro Reactor is a technology that ensures safer, more efficient and more environmentally-friendly mixing of liquids under strictly controlled conditions. And all this takes place in a reactor which is up to 100,000 times smaller than traditional reactors!
The first SpinPro reactors have already been adopted by the industry. “India in particular is a big purchaser of our product,” says Jeoffrey. “But our reactors are also in operation in various companies in Europe and the US. Unfortunately, we cannot say which companies they are, but the reactions are very positive!”
Flowid & Brightlands
Since May this year, the spinning disk reactor has been on display at Brightlands Chemelot Campus. Jeoffrey says: “At Brightlands, we were able to upscale the SpinPro technology from a pilot to an industrial environment. This lets us run trial productions, which makes it more interesting for many companies to engage with us.” One of the organizations on the campus which uses the SpinPro Reactor is Chemelot InSciTe.
The idea
“The idea was born fifteen years ago, at Eindhoven University of Technology,” says Jeoffrey. “After years of development, this concept continuously exceeded expectations. Together with my partners, Wessel Hengeveld and Wouter Stam, at a certain point we took the product on as a spin-off and took it to the market. We are now seeing that the market is ready for continuous technology such as the SpinPro Reactor.”

Reducing the size of process equipment
If Flowid has its way, there will be a revolutionary change in the process industry in ten years’ time. “We believe in continuous technology and the way it makes processing much more efficient, safer and more flexible. We are concentrating on introducing these products as widely as possible into the industry. We would love to see our concept reflected in every factory.”
For further information on the SpinPro Reactor and the benefits of continuous technology, contact:
Jeoffrey van den Berg
+31 (0) 40 247 5808